Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm Still Here

Hello, whoever's left...

I don't mean to be maudlin. I just mean it. I know I've been neglecting my blog.

Oh, well.

I just wanted you to know that I'm still here. I'm still here, and I'm still a blogger. Just because I don't post every day and just because I don't go into detail about how every drop of semen that ejaculates from my penis lands -- whether upon a partner or just myself -- doesn't mean I'm not still a member of this electronic "community."

Yes, I've been too busy with corporate life to post. But why do I get more comments when I don't post than when I do? You guys aren't all that much better about this whole arrangement than you say I am...

No, I don't mean to be nasty either. Just honest. Which is the basis of my writing. So I suppose that when you don't see much of my writing, you can assume I'm not "in a place" to be fully honest with myself.

Any horny teenager can write about his cum drops. I thought I was seeking more than that.

A lot's been brewing on the back burner of my mind, which means something creative is going to emerge soon. That's how I work. I'm not an "every-day-at-5:00am" kind of writer. I'm a sprinter. And that's just gonna hafta do.

Lots of artists are sprinters. I've been doing my homework. I know. No, I'm not going to tell you who else. All that matters is that I know my creative process isn't unique to me, and that it's valid.

No need to validate this corporate queen's ticket. Between the company and myself, we've got it covered.

Write to ya soon.

Mean it.

Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

let's hope so

Anonymous said...

I'm pretending not to be here, although I am still here. never left.

formerly known as someone else.