Tuesday, June 21, 2005

So Why the Sudden Slip into th' Brogue???

All I know is this (and I know I’ve said it before): Writing’s hard.

Writing’s as hard as painting. It’s as hard as sculpting. It’s as hard as any language, inculding – if I might say so – mathematics. Sure, all those practices are difficult. But tell me, is there anything more difficult than jottin' down exactly what we’re tryin' t'say’?

Math has something to fall back on. So do painting and sculpting. It’s not that they’re not difficult, but they’re easier in that, if one ha'n’t executed 'em precisely, a flaw shows right then and there.

With writing, even if one hasn’t executed it precisely, well, it can slip past you. It can slip past you ‘til you figure out to back up and not let it slip past you again. Writing’ll slip past you, my friend, ‘lest ‘yer well aware what it’s up to…

And just what is it up to? Well, quite honestly, writing’s up to no good. It’s up to no good a‘tal. Writing, my dear friend, wants t’convince ya. It wants t’convince ya it’s a solid line of reasoning – Nay – the ONLY line of reasoning. At least, the only line of reasoning that matters, at that time, at that place, when and where you’re readin’ it.

Poem, novel, dialogue or historical account – they’re all propoganda in the end. Don’t let the artists tell ya they’re reaching for something higher. Lord knows they want to. They want to picture themselves as something different from the historians, but they’re not. Truth be known, they’re lesser-than. ‘Cuz they’re the ones who wanna trick whole generations into thinkin’ their stories are acutal history. At least the historians attempt such a haughty claim from the start. The writers (God bless ‘em and Satan curse ‘em), attempt it blindly, not recognizing their own guilt. Christ help ‘em, but they don’t see their own sins.

Writers, Lord God have pity on their souls, think they’re speakin’ the truth. But if there’s anyone the lot o' ya should be wary of, it h’aint the historians. It’d be the writers. Writers are evil. Writers want nothing less than your souls. That’s what makes ‘em so sure they’re speakin’ the truth. ‘Cuz the truth, we’ve all been told, is s’posed t’set ya free.

Free y’er mind up to a writer and lose y’er soul. It’s that simple.

Thanks f’er readin'.


Chela Jane said...

Ok Brian Friel, for all your bitching about how hard writing is, you are starting to be prolific again. And the hungry fans want moore and moore.

Chela Jane said...

Didn't we read Friel's "Translations" in Chris' class? Or was that after you moved to LA?