Thursday, August 18, 2005

Emerson vs. Me

As many of you know, I keep an old Underwood typewriter on the shelf above my writing station. It isn't just decoration, it's an icon of my raison d'etre, and it's there to remind me of what I came here to do.

Next to it I've hung a postcard that's a transcription of an Emerson quote. It's printed in old-school typewriter font, so it fits not only visually but thematically, since the theme reinforces the motivation for displaying the typewriter. It reads:

To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intellegent people
and the affection of children,
to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends,
to appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others,
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child or a garden patch...
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded!
Well, as much as I love that quote, I couldn't help but update it to suit my own circumstances and needs. True, there's much overlap, but I feel the distinctions are distinct nonetheless. And in so being, they separate me from Emerson; they clarify the subtle differentiations between his modern era and my own postmodern:
To have taken ACTION on at least ONE of your dreams...
To have proven "them" WRONG at least once...
To have KNOWN that you proceed from an INTELLECTUAL yet SPIRITUAL standpoint...
To have LOVED deeply and often...
To have ATTRACTED people from all walks of life without trying,
Yet to have remained FASCINATED with all walks of life all the while...
To see BEAUTY in absolutely EVERYTHING that IS...
To COUNT ON others exhibiting their BEST at SOME POINT...
And to see someone's BEST when they are indeed exhibiting their WORST...
To have chosen to IMPROVE WHAT YOU HAVE rather than CHASE WHAT YOU DON'T...
To have at least ONE person say, "I love you"
is to be SUCCESSFUL.


Chabalym said...

May I print up your poetry?

Anonymous said...

truly inspiring

Jayla said...

I like it :]

I added you as a freind on my fat and happy blog.

Thanks for visiting!

Yes, I loovvve the Roches. Love 'em!

mommish said...

hey, eugene! thanks for visiting haven't been watering and feeding my blog as i should; hence it is beginning to wither and wilt. will update it soon. meantime, as to your [humorous] comment about the roches, let me point out that my taste in music is ecclectic and diverse. when asked what kind of music i enjoy, my usual reply is, "good music." the haunting melodious beauty of "losing true" and "love radiates around" drive me to a delirious, delicious distraction.

stop by again - i should have some more goodies posted in the next week or so.

blog on!

Anonymous said...


Coloratura said...

Yo, Eugene! Thanks for the drive by on my blog... yes to The Roches (and so many more)... I enjoyed reading your blog and will come back...

Chela Jane said...

Baby Cakes "I love you".

But you knew that didn't ya!

ScarySquirrelMan said...

to comment on your comment (on my blog), i don't know where you saw the Roches' mention, but i am indeed a very big fan of theirs. along with kinky, mojo, jonathon richman.

ScarySquirrelMan said...

went back and realized you want to know why i like the roches. it's simple: harmony, chemistry, intelligent lyrics, sublime melodies that one can never anticipate, uses of a wide variety of instruments and a "fuck you" attitude to anything approaching mainstream sellout. and the fact that "Nurds" is the one album most other fans (who i know) have never listened to and is (in my opinion) their best and most dynamic. the roches represent the best in musical freedom without losing the melodic root. my only regret about them is that i have never been able to see them live. i've seen the others i mentioned, but not the roches. i could sacrifice the memory of many a good band i've seen in order to be seated in front of the roches just once.

Rezzini said...

Couldn't say it better than scary s-man. Roches are great! Looks like you have found quite a few fans on the blog-sphere! Enjoyed reading your blog -- will stop by regularly. More (and Moore) to say but I'm at work and shouldn't even be commenting!!!